UNICEF: Perception of Breast Feeding and Immunization

InfoPro was commissioned by UNICEF to hold a series of focus group discussions to assess the community perception towards Infant and Young Children Breast Feeding (IYCF) and also the community perception towards Routine Immunization (RI). InfoPro held four focus group discussions with Lebanese and Non-Lebanese mothers residing in Beirut and Mount Lebanon.  The aim of the focus groups was to assess participants knowledge and behavior towards IYCF including the early initiation of breastfeeding and maintenance of breastfeeding, barriers to breastfeeding, and the most trusted sources of health information and the key change motivators in their community. An additional four focus groups were conducted to assess Routine Immunization. The focus groups delved into the participants knowledge of Routine Immunization including types of vaccines and their due dates, barriers to applying routine immunization, participants’ trust in immunization services, vaccinators at PHCCs, and the vaccines themselves, in addition to other pertinent issues.