Developing Information and Communications Technology Core Indicators

The Lebanese government through OMSAR and with the support of the UNDP developed a National ICT Strategy that aims to “Establish Lebanon as the main hub for e-services, creativity and innovation, telecom and internet services” To support the implementation of this initiative, the Lebanese Presidency of the Council of Ministers established the National ICT Strategy Coordination, Office in July 2010, as the body responsible for designing and managing the implementation mechanism for the National ICT Strategy. One of the priority projects of The National ICT Strategy Coordination Office was the collection of ICT statistics recognized internationally and used to place Lebanon in the various international indexes. InfoPro was therefore commissioned to carry-out the study in 2011. The study consisted of both a household survey with 2,000 households and an enterprise survey with 500 enterprises all over Lebanon. The aim of the interviews was to identify the telephone, computer, and internet penetration of households and businesses in Lebanon. The study also assessed internet activities undertaken, type of information obtained, whether households and businesses engaged in any e-commerce activities, in addition to other pertinent issues. The outcome of the study helped the Lebanese government and UNDP provide core indicators which can be utilized internationally.