Category: Information Technologies

ILO: Feasibility Study and Framework of a Referral Network on Post-Training Support Services

A feasibility analysis for ILO for a referral network system, develop a framework for a blueprint referral network system including implementation scenarios and risk analyses given the current context of the country. Methodology: Conduct Key Informant Interviews with Stakeholders, Map Existing Platforms and Providers of Skills Development and Post Training Support Services, identify potential international linkages, create a framework of the proposed referral system, and assess its feasibility. Methodology included conducting Key Informant Interviews with stakeholders, map existing platforms and providers of skills development and post training support services.
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UNDP: Household Assessment of e-Waste

A household statistical assessment of e-waste in Lebanon to gain a better understanding of the sector and the necessary measures required to improve its status. Methodology: Nationwide household CATI.

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USAID and Social Impact: Economic Growth Assessment Study

An Economic Growth Assessment (EGA) study for Social Impact, USAID’s monitoring and program management arm. Assess economic sectors that USAID have supported as part of their program and emerging sectors which might be the focus of USAID in the future. The economic sectors assessed under the mandate were Agriculture / Agri-Food, Tourism and hospitality, Engineering/Construction, Finance, ICT, Environment, Renewable Energy, and Health. All initiatives undertaken by USAID were reviewed and compiled economic data pertinent to the economic sectors under study. Key Informant Interviews with 80 firms working in the targeted sectors and provided USAID with a report across each sector highlighting opportunities for economic growth and specific interventions to be undertaken.
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Competition Analysis of Real Estate Assets Management and Valuation

A study for a Holding real estate company. The company was interested in developing a software related to Real Estate Assets Management and Valuation. The study assessed the following: The competition in the global and local Real Estate Portfolio Management Software market, the offering of the competition, products available in the Lebanese market. A mapping of the competition was conducted through desk research and in-depth interviews.
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Developing Information and Communications Technology Core Indicators

A study for National ICT Strategy Coordination Office (Prime Minister’s office), OMSAR and UNDP to developed a National ICT Strategy that aims to “Establish Lebanon as the main hub for e-services, creativity and innovation, telecom and internet services”. To support the implementation of this initiative, the Lebanese Presidency of the Council of Ministers established the in July 2010, as the body responsible for designing and managing the implementation mechanism for the National ICT Strategy. One of the priority projects of The National ICT Strategy Coordination Office was the collection of ICT statistics recognized internationally and used to place Lebanon in the various international indexes. Methodology: Survey with 2,000 households and 500 enterprises nationwide. Assess telephone, computer, and internet penetration of households and businesses, and Internet activities. Official core indicators were developed.
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CNRS: Survey on Innovation in the Industrial and ICT Sectors

A study to assess innovation in the Lebanese industrial sector and the ICT sector commissioned by The National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS) in collaboration with the World Bank. The objective was to revitalize these sectors by assessing innovative measures being carried out. Methodology: Enterprise survey.Read more

Relief International: ICT Business Sector in Rural Areas

Study for Relief International to assess the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) business sector in rural areas. Explore demand and supply for ICT techniques and services and the role of microcredit in supporting and boosting the sector. The study offered guidelines to develop microloan products targeting ICT businesses, small businesses and ICT graduates in rural areas. Methodology: Desk research identified vocational training centers which have ICT specialization and identified small businesses and small ICT businesses in the areas under study. Field survey with 352 graduates and senior students selected from 114 IT academies, vocational training centers, Cisco networking academies, and Microsoft certification centers to identify the types of certifications that they have and whether they intend to open businesses, financing sources and budgets that they would require, and the types of collateral that they have and that would help them finance their ICT needs. In-depth interviews with the owners of small businesses to identify recruitment needs for ICT personnel and lacking skills.
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Market Study for a Consumer Electronics Retailer

A study for a large retailer of consumer electronics to assess the feasibility of an international brand of electronics store opening in a large retail center, and to gain in-depth information on the consumer media and electronics market across six product categories. Methodology: quantitative survey across the potential catchment area of 2,400 household interviews. Assessed individuals shopping behavior and patterns, consumer spending habits across the various product categories, as well as household income and its disposable income component.
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Mystery Shopper for Electronics Retailer

A study commissioned by a network of household electronics to assess outlets and personnel performance at all branches. The elements included: External and internal premises, Employee appearance and hygiene, Customer care, Behavior and attitude, and Technical knowledge. Methodology: two waves per year.
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