MiyahCon is a Consortium of NGOs formed by Gruppo di Volontariato Civile (GVC), leader agency, Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli (CISP), and Arab Countries Water Utilities Association (ACWUA). MiyahCon was conducting a three-year project with the aim to provide “reliable and sustainable water services to Syrian refugees and host communities by strengthening infrastructural and managerial capacities of local Water Establishments”. The geographic scope of the study was twelve communities in the North, Bekaa and the South.
The programme had reached its final stages and MiyahCon was interested in conducting an endline study. A mixed-method approach consisting of both qualitative and quantitative primary and secondary data collection was utilized. In total, InfoPro conducted 18 Key Informant Interviews with different key stakeholders, seven Focus Group Discussions with beneficiaries, and 18 individual interviews.