InfoPro Research is a leading market research and polling firm which has been catering to the needs of the local and regional markets for more than 25 years.
Over the years we have carried out many consultancy assignments for public sector entities, international organizations and private sector companies on a myriad of topics including economic and social development policies, market assessments, opinion polling surveys, feasibility studies, media monitoring, quality control, systems and procedures including industrial and business procurement, and other interests. The assignments included preparation of proposals, action plans, questionnaires / discussion guides, databases, data collection, data cleaning and processing, report writing and presentations.
We use advanced and multi-faceted research methodologies and techniques that comply with ESOMAR standards. In the past five years alone, we have interviewed a total of 175,000 households nationwide and 7,500 MSME’s and corporate entities. We have also conducted hundreds of focus groups.
Project management department
InfoPro employs a team of full-time researchers and analysts who manage a large number of projects concurrently. Activities carried-out include the following:
- Proposal writing
- Questionnaire design
- Training enumerators – providing back-ground information on the topic at hand, defining technical terminology, probing methods, and how to fill out questionnaires
- Carrying-out data cleaning and processing
- Moderating and analyzing focus groups
- Analysis and report writing
- Client presentations
Fieldwork management department
InfoPro employs over 250 full-time and part-time surveyors and enumerators to supervise and carry-out the ongoing data collection process. Our teams are located all over Lebanon which ensures a smooth and quick on the ground mobilization process. Activities carried-out by this department are the following:
- Recruitment
- Data collection
- Supervising field supervisors
- Coordinating with supervisors on a daily basis with regards to the performance of enumerators on the ground
- Ensuring proper quota fulfillment
Quality Control department
InfoPro employs a team of full-time quality control supervisors whose task is to assess project processes from A to Z. The department performs quality assurance and control throughout the entire process. They carry-out on the ground quality control checks, edit all material pertaining to the various projects, contact all individuals that have taken part in the various studies carried out to assess the validity of the data. The quality control department continuously trains and supervises part-time quality control staff on editing, back-checking, coding, and data entry.
Call center department
InfoPro has its own independent Thirty-seat call center. It is active in telephone-based surveys (CATI), and back checking of fieldwork questionnaires. The call center is able to handle multiple projects simultaneously.
Database management department
InfoPro compiles thousands of contacts each year and stores them in a unified database (UDB). So far over 100,000 corporate and individual contact data have been compiled through massive face-to-face and telephone interview efforts. This data is updated and maintained on a regular basis.