We offer full-fledged quantitative services which include questionnaire design, data collection, quality control, data processing, analysis, and reporting. Our quantitative department relies on a variety of methodologies to reach our clients’ research objectives.
- Face-to-face surveys
- Street-intercept surveys
- Telephone surveys
- Online surveys
- Mobile / Tablet Surveys
- Mystery shopping
We follow a rigorous methodology of fieldwork recruitment, training, pilot testing, and project execution.
The recruitment department employs over 200 full-time and part-time surveyors located all over Lebanon. Activities carried-out by the department include the following:
- Recruitment
- Scheduling appointments with corporate entities
- Supervising and coordinating with teams on the field
- Ensuring proper quota fulfillment and quick project turnaround
Our senior project managers handle the training of all full-time and part-time staff. Simulations are conducted to ensure that all staff members have retained the various concepts covered by providing back-ground information on the topic at hand, defining technical terminology, explaining the logical sequence of the questionnaire, and probing methods to be utilized.