Post the Beirut Blast, an initial assessment undertaken by ACTED revealed that food affordability and availability remain a concern over the medium- and long-term. As a result, ACTED commissioned InfoPro to conduct a Food Security Value Chain Assessment in Lebanon. The assessment was comprised of two phases: Phase 1: Understand the food security status and the factors that influence that status among vulnerable, blast affected populations in Beirut and Phase 2: Identify the causes of and potential solutions to key efficiency bottlenecks along with a series of food value chains critical to food security in Lebanon to inform relevant recovery and development programming. A desk research exercise was conducted to assess available project documentation, reports on the food security environment in Lebanon, the basic food SMEB basket, and reports on value chain studies conducted. The desk research assisted InfoPro in identifying any gaps in the data. Primary desk research was conducted to fill the gaps. A list of the basic food commodities for vulnerable population groups especially those affected by the Beirut port blast was identified. A prioritization matrix was prepared and four value chains were selected. A full value chain analysis across the four products selected was then conducted. Key bottlenecks and impediments to agricultural production were identified across the selected value chains. Solutions and recommendations to alleviate efficiency bottlenecks were then proposed. InfoPro relied on a mixed-methodological approach for data collection which entailed 20 key-informant interviews (KIIs) with sector experts and representatives and a quantitative survey with 208 farmers, cooperative members, business owners, and other market actors along each step of the value chain.