Category: Environment

UNRWA: Mid-term Evaluation

A study for UNRWA to conduct a mid-term evaluation of their WAHET (or Sustainability in Education and Environmental Health for Palestine Refugees in Lebanon) project. The project which is 48 months in duration has two objectives: 1) to ensure Palestine refugees in camps have access to adequate and sustainable water infrastructure and services and 2) to provide access to quality, equitable and inclusive basic education for school-aged children. The OECD-DAC methodology was utilized. Methodology: 36 Key Informant Interviews with stakeholders, 14 Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with beneficiaries in the camps, and field visits to the project’s sites.

TOTAL and DAR: Oil Drilling Social Impact Baseline

A study for Total and Dar Group. The Council of Ministers awarded the oil drilling exploration and production licenses to the consortium composed of Total, ENI and JSC Novatek. Total E&P Liban – which was planning to start its drilling activities – and as per its internal requirements and to meet regulations needed to launch a Social Baseline Study (SBS). The main objective was to gain a thorough understanding of the socio-economic context and human environment of the future site(s) before the drilling operations begin. Methodology: Desk research, focus groups with fishermen and farmers, and 60 Key Informant Interviews with various stakeholders.
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World Bank and GDS: Value Chain Analysis in six sectors

A study for Global Development Solutions (GDS) and the World Bank. Identify and select two potential value chains for analysis from the following six sectors: agriculture and agro-processing; recycling and waste management; information, communications and technology entrepreneurship; municipal services; construction; and trade and Tripoli port development and trade logistics. Methodology: Collecting background research and figures on the various sectors being covered. In-depth interviews were also conducted with all key players in order to identify the value chains to be adopted. A prioritization assessment matrix was formulated to assess the various sectors with the highest potential using a set of different criteria. A snowball sampling method (commonly used to identify value chain stakeholders) was used to determine additional entities/companies to interview along the value chain. InfoPro and GDS conducted semi-structured interviews with stakeholders at every step in the value chain, including firms, government, NGOs, industry organizations, and others.
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UNDP: Household Assessment of e-Waste

A household statistical assessment of e-waste in Lebanon to gain a better understanding of the sector and the necessary measures required to improve its status. Methodology: Nationwide household CATI.

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USAID and Social Impact: Economic Growth Assessment Study

An Economic Growth Assessment (EGA) study for Social Impact, USAID’s monitoring and program management arm. Assess economic sectors that USAID have supported as part of their program and emerging sectors which might be the focus of USAID in the future. The economic sectors assessed under the mandate were Agriculture / Agri-Food, Tourism and hospitality, Engineering/Construction, Finance, ICT, Environment, Renewable Energy, and Health. All initiatives undertaken by USAID were reviewed and compiled economic data pertinent to the economic sectors under study. Key Informant Interviews with 80 firms working in the targeted sectors and provided USAID with a report across each sector highlighting opportunities for economic growth and specific interventions to be undertaken.
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UNEP: Capacity Building for Sustainable Public Procurement

A study for UNEP to identify opportunities for the contribution of public procurement to the achievement of national sustainable development targets. The expected results from the pilot project were to develop an SPP action plan and policy draft, creation of a website portraying SPP activities, and reporting on lessons learned. Methodology: Desk research and in-depth interviews with businesses, supply chain partners, and procurement officers in various ministries and experts in sustainable public procurement in local and international organizations. In collaboration with UNDP / UNEP / Institute of Finance, drafted a SPP Policy and Action Plan to achieve the targets and ensure that public procurement fully contributes to sustainable development and a green economy. A workshop was organized presenting the draft SPP policy plan.
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