Category: Market Assessments

UNOPS: Assessment and Rehabilitation Plan SIMA Sustainable Integrated Municipal Actions – Lebanon

Identify priority areas for prospective projects and interventions in Beirut and Bourj Hammoud Municipalities. Verify the selection of projects identified in a previous phase, select additional projects of benefit to the communities under study, and conduct a peace, conflict, and gender analysis for all projects. An Integrative Rehabilitation Plan was also prepared. Selected projects were mapped, a maturity appraisal of the proposed projects was conducted, a cost estimate and implementation schedule of each project was also developed. Data was gathered through primary and secondary research.

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UNDP: Social Appraisals and Business Plans

Conducting for UNDP seven simplified economic and social appraisals and 13 business development plans for a selection of small and medium sized projects. For the appraisals, a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the macro, meso and micro level economic and social impacts expected from the projects will be conducted. This will be complemented by a SWOT analysis, financial plan, considerations on the sustainability of the investment, and recommendations. For the business development plans, a needs assessment and action plan, business development services, and a Rapid Cost-Benefit Analysis will need to be undertaken. Methodology: KIIs, CAPI surveys, and focus group discussions.Read more

ILO: Feasibility Study and Framework of a Referral Network on Post-Training Support Services

A feasibility analysis for ILO for a referral network system, develop a framework for a blueprint referral network system including implementation scenarios and risk analyses given the current context of the country. Methodology: Conduct Key Informant Interviews with Stakeholders, Map Existing Platforms and Providers of Skills Development and Post Training Support Services, identify potential international linkages, create a framework of the proposed referral system, and assess its feasibility. Methodology included conducting Key Informant Interviews with stakeholders, map existing platforms and providers of skills development and post training support services.
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IFC: Market Assessment of Asset-Based Lending (ABL) with focus on Supply Chain Finance (SCF)

Assessment for IFC of Asset-Based Lending (ABL) products in Lebanon with a focus on the SCF market. The study provided: 1) Review and quantification of the overall potential of SCF, demand for SCF, supply, and uncovered gaps across major industries, 2) Recommendations about possible actions for financial institutions in Lebanon to tap into the SCF opportunity, 3) List of the SCF technology platforms with their related key features and characteristics. Methodology: Desk research, Key Informant Interviews, Focus Group discussions, and surveys with MSMEs.

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Impact of the Ban of Turkish Wafers

A study for the Association of Food Importers to determine whether certain Turkish products were being sold at dumping prices in the local market. The government had banned the import of wafer and biscuits and detergents from Turkey. This was done in a bid to protect Lebanese industries from the devaluation of the Turkish lira which has caused these products in specific to become very cheap. Methodology: Desk research, in-depth interviews with manufacturers and importers, interviews with large supermarkets, and field visits to retail shops in Lebanon and in Turkey.
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CHF: Workforce Gap Analysis

A survey to assess the labor market in general and across a select number of sub-sectors was commissioned by CHF Lebanon. Supply and demand of skills, job availability and labor supply were assessed, and mismatches identified. The study also assessed the challenges that youths are facing in gaining employment and how to prepare them for the labor market. SWOT analysis of all sub-sectors under study and proposal for a medium to long term course of action to be followed. Methodology: Desk research, focus groups with youths, a survey with a representative sample of private sector companies, in-depth interviews with recruitment agencies, technical and vocational institutes, and economic experts.
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NGO target Study

Assessment of the brand image and positioning of a large NGO. Understanding the prevailing attitudes of individuals towards NGOs in general and the client specifically. The objective was to improve practices, improve the marketing strategy, and attract more supporters. Methodology: Nationwide telephone surveys.
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SANAD: Needs of Small Businesses

A three-fold study for SANAD TAF on MSMEs and their needs for future financial and non-financial support: Assess the situation of small businesses and their challenges, to identify topics needing capacity building, and identify well-positioned local institutions able to provide financial and other support to MSMEs. Methodology: Desk research, Key Informant Interviews, and a survey with MSMEs in Greater Beirut and Tripoli.

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UNDP: Household Assessment of e-Waste

A household statistical assessment of e-waste in Lebanon to gain a better understanding of the sector and the necessary measures required to improve its status. Methodology: Nationwide household CATI.

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EU and GOPA: Promotion of social dialogue

A study for GOPA Consultants under the ‘Promotion of Social Dialogue in Lebanon’ project, part of the EU funded ‘Promotion of Social Justice’ program. The program is implemented by the Ministry of Labor (MOL), its Labor Inspection Department, the National Employment Office (NEO), and the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). The main purpose of the project is building the capacity of MOL, and Lebanese Social Partners and Civil Society to be promoters of social dialogue. Two sectors with high potential for growth and unmet demand with regards to a qualified workforce were therefore selected. In-depth interviews were conducted with 290 firms belonging to those two sectors.
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Red Cross: Perception Study

A study for the Lebanese Red Cross and its key partners (ICRC, the International Federation of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent and The Norwegian Red Cross). Assess prevailing attitudes towards NGOs and donation patterns to be able to devise a new fundraising strategy. A survey evaluated both general public and private business perceptions, awareness levels of NGOs in general and the LRC specifically. Awareness drivers and communication channels were examined, individual and corporate donation patterns, including sums donated and frequency, in addition to the barriers and drivers to donating. Methodology: Nationwide Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews (CATI), in-depth interviews, and quantitative surveys of businesses.
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UNDP: Assessment of Voter Registration Public Awareness Campaign

The Ministry of Interior and Municipalities (MOIM), with the support of UNDP LEAP, launched a multi-media awareness campaign which informed citizens of their right to inspect the voter register database. The study assessed the impact of the campaign on the general public and to identify the effectiveness of the campaign with regards to reachability and informing the public of their rights. The aim of the survey was to also learn from this exercise in order to better any future communication between the MOIM and the public. Methodology: Survey sample of prospective voters.
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Benchmarking Residential Real Estate

A study for a large regional holding group with specialties in retail, leisure, and real estate. The study aimed at understanding the market situation with regards to residential real estate and to benchmark the service charges and services of existing master community projects in comparison to a project that they are constructing. InfoPro extracted from its own Real Estate Databases, real estate projects that are similar to the project under study. In-depth interviews with the developers and facility community managers of these projects.
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Retail, Hospitality, Office, and Real Estate Assessment

A study for an international commercial developer involved in a joint venture to develop a mixed-use project in a suburb of Beirut. The client in developing the proposed site wanted to assess the feasibility of the project and the various real estate segments under consideration: office, residential, leisure, hospitality, and retail. In order to assess the optimal mix for the location, InfoPro carried-out a supply and demand analysis. The aim of analysis was to provide an economic overview of Lebanon and the Greater Beirut area, the competition level across the various segments under study, the success / failings of the competition, demand drivers and generators, preferred features and facilities, in addition to new and potential development projects currently under construction. Methodology: Interviews with real estate developers, brokers, and experts. Provided an overview of the supply and demand in Greater Beirut specifically for high-end projects. Assessment of street front shopping hubs and malls including performance data by category, tourist data gathered through desk research and interviews with tour operators in order to evaluate demand across various hotel categories. InfoPro also assessed their perception of impact of future supply on hotel ARR, RevPAR, and occupancy. The market assessment of the segments under study allowed the client to assess the most optimal mix to be included in location.
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Assessment of a Chocolate Coffee Shop Concept

A study for an investor considering starting up a high-end chocolate coffee shop in Ashrafieh. The outlet was to import high-end chocolate and also to offer drinks such as coffee and tea with pastries and biscuits. The study gauged the market feasibility of the concept by assessing the competition in the area, prospective client profile, types of chocolate most in demand and upcoming trends, customer habits of high end chocolate and coffee shops. Methodology: Retailers in Ashrafieh were mapped area and gathered key information from those considered to be potential competitors. In-depth interviews with most prominent outlets. Focus groups provided insights on client habits and preferences.
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Market Analysis for the Shouf Biosphere Reserve

A study for the Shouf Biosphere Reserve (SBR) to provide it with an overview of the organic and high quality market including the most prominent players and those that can be considered as competitors, market demand and supply, barriers to trade, and market requirements and regulatory framework needed for local and export markets. SBR, which offers around 82 high quality products, harvested by farmers and five cooperatives located in the surrounding areas was looking to focus on products with high potential for growth and job creation. The study provided a macro-economic overview of the organic high quality market, a detailed overview of the agriculture activity Shouf, and (3) a review of fair trade practices. Methodology: Mapping stakeholders and interviews with them. Interviews with 170 small-scale farmers.
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Market Overview of a food brand

Study reasons for underperformance of a well-established food brand. Investigating the detected problem, by acquiring market information regarding the assessment of the product likeability and positioning. A brand positioning assessment was conducted to gain consumer feedback. Methodology: Survey with 300 consumers.
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Package Re-Design Study

Assist a paper tissue manufacturer to select the most preferred package design. Assess the usage and attitude of consumers of sanitary napkins. Methodology: Several focus groups.
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Market Overview and Taste Test

Pre- and Post-launch of a new Halloumi cheese brand into the local market. Methodology: Taste test with consumers and identification of usage and attitude of consumers, Brand Image, Advertising recall.

Market Study on the Soap and Detergents Market

Assessing the size and trends of various types of soap and detergents in the market in addition to gauging consumers’ general awareness and usage of the various brands. Methodology: A consumer behavior survey with a nationwide household survey and a market overview entailing a supply/demand assessment by interviewing distributors, local manufacturers and purchase managers of major supermarket chains.

Competition Analysis of Real Estate Assets Management and Valuation

A study for a Holding real estate company. The company was interested in developing a software related to Real Estate Assets Management and Valuation. The study assessed the following: The competition in the global and local Real Estate Portfolio Management Software market, the offering of the competition, products available in the Lebanese market. A mapping of the competition was conducted through desk research and in-depth interviews.
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Market Share and Perception Analysis of a Lighting Solutions Company

Market share study for a large lighting solutions company. Issues addressed: Positioning versus the competition, Brand perception, Selection process utilized in deciding on suppliers of lighting systems, Message to be communicated, SWOT, identification of unmet needs. Methodology: In-depth interviews with contractors / developers, architects, and electrical engineers and consultants.
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Concept Test and Competition Analysis of a real estate mixed project

A real estate supply and demand analysis to assess the optimal mix of the types of residential units and a projection of their respective absorption rates. The client intended to develop a four-season mountain resort featuring hotels, international ski slopes and a golf course and other recreational and sports activities. The aim of the analysis was to assist the master planners in the assessment of the unit mix ratio and ultimately in the design phasing. The mandate entailed identifying the demand drivers for the various types of complementary businesses likely to be located in the resort, the retail categories that they belong to, and their incentive requirements and potential size of operation in order to forecast the retail mix allocation in the project master plan. Methodology: Desk research exercise, in-depth interviews with government ministries, tour operators located in Arab countries, hotel / resort directors and managers, prominent retailers, and restaurant owners.
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Assessment of Retail Real Estate

A study for a large real estate company to assess leasing pricing strategy for Saifi Village, Beirut Souks, and the Foch / Allenby area. The project entailed to provide an overview of malls considered to be competition including retail mix, units sizes, foot fall among other pertinent issues. Identify the rental rates for retail real estate in competitive malls. Identify the rental rates of street front outlets located in Foch/Allenby, Park Avenue, and Saifi neighborhood. Gather and validate relevant data. Methodology: Desk research, Mapping outlets at competitive malls, In-depth Interviews with mall developers, and In-depth Interviews with retailers.
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Market Assessment and Feasibility of New Automobile Brand

A market study for a car importer looking to introduce a new brand to the market. The study included the evolution of the automotive market in Lebanon, and a comprehensive competitive analysis. A financial study was conducted in order to estimate the feasibility of the models under study.
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Usage and Attitude Survey of Petrol Stations

Brand image and positioning study for a network of gas stations. Understand current market position and the consumer behavior. Methodology: large sample household survey. The survey helped identify awareness level and perception of petrol stations in general and the client in specific. It estimated the market share of the various petrol stations, the process utilized by consumers in selecting a gas station to deal with, and other pertinent issues.
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Market Assessment of Student Housing

A study for a client interested in developing a student housing project in the Administrative Beirut area and wanted to assess supply and demand of student housing across both university dormitories and furnished apartments. Methodology: Desk research, in-depth interviews with the owners of furnished apartments, and in-depth interviews with university officials responsible for dormitories in the Administrative Beirut area. The interviews helped identify the specifications of available supply, rental rates, marketing efforts undertaken, occupancy rates, supply and demand trends in the market, in addition to other pertinent information. This enabled the client to reach conclusions as to the feasibility of the project and the specifications of the furnished apartments most in demand.
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Retail Real Estate Market Study

A study for an international client planning to develop a large mall in a suburb of Beirut. The client wished to gain in-depth information on the market supply and demand of retail real estate in Administrative Beirut and Mount Lebanon. In order to reach the client’s objectives, Methodology: Desk research, face-to-face interviews with consumers residing in the catchment area under study, and conducting in-depth interviews with retailers, retail real estate developers, and real estate brokers. Identified the population distribution and growth in the catchment area under study. Identified the shopping patterns of consumers and also their retail expenditure which in combination with the desk research. Forecast the retail expenditure of the entire catchment area. Insights such as preferences of amenities and services to be provided by malls, the optimal outlet size for their retail category, preferred neighboring outlets which allowed the client to decide on the optimal retail mix. Identify the price paid per square meter in malls and in street front outlets which allow the client to devise their price strategy.
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Price Assessment of Retail Real Estate

A study for a mall operator interested in assessing the supply and demand for retail real estate across the main shopping malls and shopping souks. On the supply front, the client wanted to investigate the rental rates charged, rent evolution, the facilities and services provided, footfall, and the leasing terms. On the demand front, they want to assess the preferences of retailers with regards to the retail mix, outlet sizes, facilities / services provided, and any issues which they considered problematic at their current location. Methodology: interviews with 58 retailers. The study covered outlets across a variety of categories. The findings helped management re-assess their leasing strategy and retail mix.
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Developing Information and Communications Technology Core Indicators

A study for National ICT Strategy Coordination Office (Prime Minister’s office), OMSAR and UNDP to developed a National ICT Strategy that aims to “Establish Lebanon as the main hub for e-services, creativity and innovation, telecom and internet services”. To support the implementation of this initiative, the Lebanese Presidency of the Council of Ministers established the in July 2010, as the body responsible for designing and managing the implementation mechanism for the National ICT Strategy. One of the priority projects of The National ICT Strategy Coordination Office was the collection of ICT statistics recognized internationally and used to place Lebanon in the various international indexes. Methodology: Survey with 2,000 households and 500 enterprises nationwide. Assess telephone, computer, and internet penetration of households and businesses, and Internet activities. Official core indicators were developed.
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Bank Brand Image and Perception Study

Assessment of individuals’ awareness of a bank brand including awareness, perception, and competing bank brands. Methodology: qualitative and quantitative entailing focus groups, CATI interviews. The bank relied on the study to assess their image and formulate their communication strategy.
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Italian Trade Commission: Market Assessment of the Agri-Food Sector in Lebanon and Cyprus

A study for the Italian Trade Commission to formulate a general overview of the agri-food (food and beverage) sector including major players and their distribution system. Identify opportunities for further growth and highlight the position of Italian food products in the Lebanese and Cypriot markets. Methodology: Desk research and in-depth interviews with experts and local companies in both countries. A total 50 in-depth interviews with stakeholders in the agri-food sector, importers of foodstuff, and supermarkets in both Lebanon and Cyprus. The interviews helped identify the main Italian products on the market, their strengths and weaknesses, and suggestions to improve their positioning. The interviews with large supermarket chains also captured consumers’ eating habits and trends in the agri-food sector.
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Brand Traker

A syndicated four waves per year survey monitoring the performance of banks on Brand Usage and Attitude, Advertising campaign and slogan recall and impact, Brand image and perception, Client satisfaction, Loyalty, and switching intention.
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Market Study for a Consumer Electronics Retailer

A study for a large retailer of consumer electronics to assess the feasibility of an international brand of electronics store opening in a large retail center, and to gain in-depth information on the consumer media and electronics market across six product categories. Methodology: quantitative survey across the potential catchment area of 2,400 household interviews. Assessed individuals shopping behavior and patterns, consumer spending habits across the various product categories, as well as household income and its disposable income component.
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A syndicated yearly retail-banking study and database. A nationwide sample of 5,000 households to banks identify their regional strengths and weaknesses in comparison to the competition, assess the performance of their products and services, identify product development potential, the strength of their communication and how there are perceived by the general population. BankTrak also helps clients assess their brand health and specific issues to improve.
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Survey Assessing Bank Customers Interaction Channels

Assess bank customers’ interaction channels and customers’ expectations. Evaluation of changes in customers’ lifestyles and handling of financial transactions, and their disposition to adopting e-banking services. Methodology: face-to-face quantitative surveys with individuals, professionals, and micro, small, and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs). Assessment of demographic and psychographic profiles, banking habits, interaction points used, satisfaction levels. The survey investigated the products / services that customers have and their interest in adopting new ones. The findings of the surveys assisted the bank in developing a five-year strategy.
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Advertisement Tracker Study

Pre and post advertisement study. Each wave measured awareness and perception, benchmarked versus competitors, and progress tracking on a quarterly basis. The study covered the areas surrounding branches.

Outlet Relocation Assessment

Study an underperforming location of a retail specialty network. Market demand conditions in the sector in the outlets’ catchment area. Methodology: Consumer demand survey with affluent individuals residing in the outlets’ catchment area. Measure the key image variables for loyalty and regular visitation. Identify the perception of the outlet in comparison to its competitive universe and pinpoint brand strengths and weaknesses.
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