Category: Monitoring / Evaluation / Impact

Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS): Program Evaluation

Final evaluation to assess a program in Lebanon to mitigate Syrian crisis impacts that  creates temporary jobs for vulnerable Lebanese and Syrians, emphasizing inclusion of women and persons with disabilities, to work on public infrastructure projects. Implemented across several regions by ARCS, AVSI, and Armadilla/CTM. The program’s performance across multiple criteria, including effectiveness, resource use, and impact on beneficiaries and communities, was researched, to document successes, challenges, and stakeholder feedback to inform and improve future interventions targeting vulnerable populations affected by crises.
Methodology: Desk Review, 19 Key Informant Interviews, 6 Focus Group Discussions, 281 surveys with beneficiaries and 281 CAPI survey with community members
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ILO: Beneficiary Surveys

Evaluate the program in comparison to goals. The Employment Intensive Infrastructure Project (EIIP) is a program launched by the ILO. It is focused on sustainable asset creation for local communities through investment in infrastructure projects. Now in its fourth phase, the program identified and executed 23 key local infrastructure projects. Surveys were conducted with local beneficiaries and the various stakeholders to evaluate the program in comparison to target goals highlighting any unintended and/or negative repercussions through a study.
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UNDP: Non-Health Covid Response to Covid 19 Impact Analysis

End of project evaluation. Evaluated two projects: ‘Reducing the direct economic downturn impact on vulnerable Communities in Lebanon’ and ‘Labour Intensive Forest Activities with Vulnerable Communities in Lebanon’ in conformity with OECD /DAC evaluation criteria: Relevance/Coherence, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Relevance, and Sustainability.

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Humanity and Inclusion: Data Collection Services

Humanity and Inclusion (HI) wants to monitor the needs of the various marginalized groups and assess the effectiveness of the HI programs and the work being carried out by their partners. As its data collection arm, InfoPro has conducted several studies to monitor HI activities. A mixed methodological approach has been utilized. Methodology: 1,825 face-to-face and telephone surveys with beneficiaries.Read more

Mercy Corps: Final Program Evaluation

A study for Mercy Corps to conduct a final program evaluation for its 3amaly project. The project’s objective is that women and youth are empowered and valued for playing an active economic role within their households and communities employment. It is designed to improve livelihood opportunities for women and youth (aged 15-34) in Tripoli, Saida, Lower Chouf, and the city of Nabatiyeh. The OECD-DAC methodology was utilized. Methodology: 35 Key Informant Interviews with stakeholders and 12 Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with beneficiaries and mentors.

Save the Children: End of Project Evaluation

A study for Save the Children to conduct an end of project evaluation for the ‘Reducing Vulnerabilities for Refugees and Lebanese Host Communities and Strengthening Lebanese Civil Society’ project that it is conducting with Nabad in Bekaa. The two-year project targets male and female youth from refugee and host communities. It aims to build their capabilities to transition successfully into adulthood. The OECD-DAC methodology was utilized. Methodology: 24 Key Informant Interviews with stakeholders, 8 Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with Youth and Caregivers, and a survey with 400 Youth.

UNICEF: Monitoring of Education and Hygiene Supplies

To support children’s access to education, UNICEF, part of its partnership with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, provided education supplies as well as hygiene and Personal Protective Equipment / Material to schools. To evaluate the processes and the final outcomes of the support provided, UNICEF commissioned InfoPro to conduct a Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) and to gain insights on the quality of the assistance given to the targeted schools and population. Methodology: Key Informant Interviews and Observations at Public Schools, DOPS Centers, and CERD Training Centers / Warehouse.

UNICEF: Assessment of Support Provided to Children in Contact with the Law

UNICEF was interested in conducting a qualitative assessment of the support provided to children in contact with the law by three of its partners working on justice for children project. The focus of the study was to assess how these partners were responding to children in contact with the law and how they adapted their case management working procedures in light of the developments/crises that have been taking place in Lebanon. Methodology: Key Informant Interviews with all three partners and their staff, in addition to in-depth interviews with beneficiaries’ caregivers.Read more

Save the Children: Evaluation of Vocational and Entrepreneurship Programs

Save the Children Lebanon (SCL) implemented vocational and entrepreneurship trainings to support the generation of income in some of the most vulnerable localities. Caregivers and 1,074 youth were supported to access the job market. To evaluate the performance of the project, the OECD DAC methodology was utilized. Methodology: KIIs with employers, SCL staff members, and partner staff members and a CATI survey and focus groups discussions with program participants who underwent VT and ET trainings.Read more

Final Evaluation of Improving Access to Quality Health Care for Persons with Disabilities in Lebanon Program

The DAC framework for evaluation was utilized to assess the Improving Access to Quality Health Care for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in Lebanon programme conducted by IMC. Methodology: Desk Research, 40 Key Informant and In-Depth Interviews, in addition to 10 focus groups and a survey with 450 PWDs.

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EU: Final Evaluation of Afkar III Programme

The DAC framework for evaluation was utilized to assess the extent to which the EU financed project has met its objectives. Methodology: Desk Research, Key Informant / In-Depth Interviews, and focus groups with project beneficiaries.

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UNICEF: Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)

A study for UNICEF to assess how the Informal Settlement communities evaluate the relevance, effectiveness and quality of the water, sanitation and hygiene facilities in their camps. Methodology: Nine focus groups carried out with participants residing in various areas in Lebanon.
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UNICEF: Haddi Integrated Child Grant Program

A project for UNICEF to collect data for a baseline survey for the impact evaluation of ‘Haddi’ (Next to me) the Integrated Child Grant Programme, to measure how and to what extent the child grant increases households’ purchasing power for children, reduces negative coping strategies, and facilitates access to services, in an inclusive manner. Methodology: CATI.

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AVSI: Integration of Child Protection in Education

AVSI in collaboration with War Child Holland and Terre des Hommes Italy is undertaking a two-year programme titled “Back to the Future II” (BTF II). The programme seeks to promote the enrolment and the retention of refugee and vulnerable Lebanese children aged between three to 17 years old in formal education. InfoPro was commissioned to assess and provide evidence-based recommendations on the impact of child protection (CP) integration in the education response within the Back to the Future programme. Methodology: Desk Review, nine Key Informant Interviews, six Focus Group Discussions, and 280 surveys with caregivers and children.

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UNDP: Dealing with the Past Monitoring and Evaluation

Provide M&E support to UNDP by conducting a baseline, mid-line, and end-line study. The study measured results achieved across all components of the project. Methodology for each phase: CATI, focus group discussions, and Key Informant Interviews with implementing partners.Read more

ACTED: Final External Evaluation

A study for ACTED to evaluate their multi-sector program. The main objective of the program was to enhance the resilience of vulnerable host and refugee communities in Lebanon, through the promotion of livelihood opportunities, protection support and advocacy for their wellbeing. The target groups that were engaged to achieve the project objectives were vulnerable refugees and host communities, 13 Social Development Centers, 13 Civil Society Organizations, government authorities, private sector actors, government authorities, and the general public. The aim of the study was to assess the extent to which the project has met its objectives and to provide an external opinion on the relevance and performance of the project, as compared to the original plan. Methodology: Desk research, 15 Key Informant Interviews (KII) with Stakeholders, and three focus groups according to five DAC criteria (relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability, impact). Actionable recommendations and best practices were presented to enhance the planning, implementation, and management of future projects.
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World Vision: Child Protection, Advocacy, and Livelihoods Baseline Survey

Baseline evaluation to provide clear evidence of children’s well-being pre and post World Vision’s Child Protection and livelihood interventions. Methodology: Desk Research and 2,920 Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews (CATI) with caregivers.

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UNICEF: Third-party monitoring – Healthy Camp Monitoring Tool (HCMT)

A study for UNICEF for the Healthy Camp Monitoring Tool (HCMT) to support its implementing partners to better measure the impact of the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) intervention. Methodology: Conduct 110 monthly field visits, a total of 1,320 visits per year, to Syrian refugee Informal Tented Settlements to assess the WASH and Health conditions of Syrian refugees. In each of the visited sites, InfoPro measured the impact of the WASH intervention by assessing the following: Hygiene behavior change at the site level, Use of the wash facilities by the community, Access of communities to safe drinking water, Knowledge of the communities on preventing water borne diseases.
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ACTED: Building Resilient Communities: An Integrated Approach to Livelihoods and Income Generation for Vulnerable Populations

A study for ACTED to evaluate their multi-sector program. The main objective of the program was to Address Root Causes (ARC) of conflict and instability in Lebanon by creating for vulnerable individuals’ sustainable income-generating and livelihood opportunities. The program was implemented in Akkar, Tripoli, Mount Lebanon, Beirut, and Saida. 1,500 individuals, 19 SDCs, 3 TVET Institutes, 1 Vocational Training Center, 22 Artisans and 75 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) were targeted across Lebanon. The aim of the study was to assess the extent to which the project has met its objectives and to provide an external opinion on the relevance and performance of the project, as compared to the original plan. Methodology: 18 key informant interviews, 15 in-depth interviews and CATI surveys with 350 beneficiaries.

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USAID and MSI: School Assessment Tests

Baseline and end line surveys for Management Systems International and USAID to conduct the EGRA Assessment Test among school students and measure the impact of the project on student reading performance. 9,800 students and 920 teachers were assessed.
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World Bank: Teacher Observation Study

A study for the World Bank, part of the R4R program, to identify the obstacles that are delaying educational development and provide decision makers with quantitative data that can assist in changing and developing new policies. The survey was conducted together with staff from the Ministry of Education (DOPS). Identify classroom practices by assessing teacher training and teacher behavior to student perceptions across Grade 4 and 7 classrooms using CLASS, an instrument developed by the World Bank. The exercise was conducted in 120 schools. In total, 888 classroom observations were conducted and 707 teachers were assessed.
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USAID and Social Impact: Country Level Gender Analysis

A study to assess existing gender gaps, opportunities and needs that the USAID / Lebanon program can address to better achieve its objectives. The study also delved into the different perceptions of women and men that are particularly disadvantaged or have strong unmet needs for empowerment. Methodology: 56 focus groups and 71 in-depth interviews with representatives from USAID, civil society organizations, municipal members of both genders, ministries and donors.
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UNICEF: Assessment of E-Course on Child Protection

A study for UNICEF to evaluate ‘E-Course on Child Protection Case Management’ designed to strengthen the professional capacity of social workers and case managers in Lebanon. The course was developed by UNICEF and the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) to better address issues of violence, exploitation, and abuse among children. Methodology: Four focus groups of participants who have completed the E-course. Also assessed: Experience of end-users with online learning, knowledge gained by end-users, obstacles and challenges faced, and ways of improving and optimizing the effectiveness of the E-course.
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USAID and Palladium: Final Performance Evaluation of the LIFE Project

A final evaluation was conducted of the Livelihood and Inclusive Financial Expansion (LIFE) project, administered by Palladium and financed by USAID. Methodology: Desk Research, focus groups, and an analytical report on the financial needs of microenterprises and alternative ways of local micro-financing.

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UNICEF: Feedback from beneficiaries of the Immunization program

A study for UNICEF to assess the situation and needs of children under the age of five, the routine immunization service provided to them in different centers, the effectiveness and quality of the vaccination, as well as the parents’ recommendations and suggestions for improving the service to better suit their children’s needs. Methodology: Focus group discussions in various areas of Lebanon.
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UNICEF: Third Party Monitor for Winter Campaign

Study for UNICEF to field monitor and evaluate the quality of the winter clothing kits, problems with the sizes distributed, parents satisfaction with the distribution process, and children’s satisfaction with the items provided, Under the ‘Winterization Campaign’ undertaken by UNICEF. The study allowed immediate action to be taken to improve the campaign and to make long-term improvement in future campaigns. Methodology: 168 field visits.
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UNICEF: Third-Party Monitoring – Adolescent and Youth Program

A Third Party Monitoring Program for UNICEF, conducting an assessment of the Adolescent & Youth Program. The UNICEF youth and adolescents section intends to monitor the running programs and the work performance of UNICEF partners in community centers. Methodology: 40 visits to assess the youth programs implemented by the following UNICEF partners. Evaluate the following: Youth Basic Literacy and Numeracy (YBLN), Life skills training, Youth Led Initiative, Awareness Raising Sessions, Agricultural Courses, Non-formal vocational or competency-based skills training, Innovation skills training, Mentorship, Sports for Development training (S4D).
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UNICEF: Assessment of the THRIVE Program

A study for UNICEF to assess the THRIVE program under the UN’s Social Development Goals. The Ministry of Public Health launched a national action plan for children and mothers called THRIVE Lebanon, a four-year long cross-government commitment on four key areas of child development. As part of their efforts under THRIVE, UNICEF was in the process of developing a comprehensive communication strategy on health, nutrition, and wash. Prior to development, The objective of the study is an informative qualitative survey to gain a better understanding of the knowledge, practices, and behaviors among the Lebanese, Palestinian, and Syrian populations with regard to these topics. Methodology: 14 focus groups with mothers, fathers, and grandmothers of all three nationalities and 19 in-depth interviews with Lebanese, Palestinian, and Syrian medical professionals.
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UNICEF: Sport and Humanitarian Assistance Project (SAHA)

A study for UNICEF to better understand the needs of Syrian refugees and host communities to whom it is providing assistance and to monitor improvements in social cohesion amongst adolescents and youth. It is part of The Sports and Humanitarian Assistance (SAHA) project involving Lebanese, Syrian, and Palestinian children aged 11-18 years and youth leaders aged between 18-25 years. It took place in Mount Lebanon, Tripoli, Akkar, Saida, and Tyre. The objective of SAHA was to bring children from different nationalities together to help ease the tensions between them and ensure social cohesion. Football was used as a tool to develop their social skills as well as their talent. Methodology: 36 focus groups equally divided between pre and post project.
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UNICEF: Third Party Monitoring of Polio Vaccination

A study for UNICEF to monitor the vaccination process for Polio undertaken by the Ministry of Public Health to cover 600,000 children under under-five years of age. During that campaign, children also received vaccines against measles and rubella as well as vitamin A which strengthened their immune systems. Lebanese and Syrian refugees were covered. Methodology:
Visits to 73 settlements and carried-out in-process monitoring during the immunization campaign, and monitors visited settlements to check vaccination status of children based on filling pre-defined checklist and provide an independent evaluation of quality based on finding missed children and reasons for non-vaccination.
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UNICEF: Perception of Breast Feeding and Immunization

A study for UNICEF to assess the community perception towards Infant and Young Children Breast Feeding (IYCF) and the community perception towards Routine Immunization (RI). Methodology: Focus group discussions with Lebanese and Non-Lebanese mothers residing in Beirut and Mount Lebanon.
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USAID and Social Impact: Midterm Performance Evaluation for LIFE

A study for Social Impact, USAID’s monitoring arm. Conduct a mid-term performance evaluation of the LIFE project. An OECD DAC approach was utilized. Three criteria were assessed; Relevance, Effectiveness, and Sustainability, in addition to cross-cutting issues such as gender. Methodology: 28 focus groups were conducted with beneficiaries of the LIFE project.
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UNICEF: Third Party Monitoring Service – Syrian refugees

Third Party Monitoring for UNICEF to assess partners’ adherence to the proper methods in handling the Syrian refugee crisis, ensuring their following the scope of work, and evaluating the actual reach of resources allocated to the refugees to beneficiaries. Audit of 50 UNICEF partners and NGOs. More than 4,000 site visits nationwide.
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Water Project Final Evaluation

A study for a NGO consortium by Gruppo di Volontariato Civile (GVC), Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli (CISP), and Arab Countries Water Utilities Association (ACWUA). End-line evaluation of a three-year project (MyahCon) that strengthens infrastructural and managerial capacities of local water establishments in 12 communities in the North, Bekaa, and the South. Methodology: Key Informant Interviews with stakeholders, Focus Group Discussions with beneficiaries, and individual interviews.

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USAID and Social Impact: Evaluation of Lebanon Industrial Value Chain

A study for Social Impact to assess a final performance evaluation of the Lebanon Industrial Value Chain Development (LIVCD) Project is a five year program funded by USAID. The study is to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the project by documenting critical successes as well as shortcomings of the project. Furthermore, the evaluation had to shed light on the approach and activities implemented under LIVCD with regards to achieving outputs, outcomes, and the sustainability of its interventions. Methodology: 28 focus groups split across the various value chains conducted under the program.
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GIZ: Development of Deprived Urban Areas in North Lebanon

A study for Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to assess the ‘Local Development Programme for Deprived Urban Areas in North Lebanon’ Programme, targeting vulnerable women and youth and aims to reduce social frustration linked to poverty and unemployment in Tripoli. A baseline and end line survey were conducted to measure the contribution of inter-communitarian exchange and program activities on positive attitude towards people of other communities. Methodology: CATI.

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Assessment of the Lebanon Our Story Intervention

A study to assess SAT-7’s ‘Lebanon Our Story’ program. It targets youth 15 to 25 years old, belonging to all religious or belief groups, including displaced Syrians, Palestinians, and Armenians. Assess success in reaching intended outcomes and objective. Methodology: CATI, Focus Group Discussions conducted with intended audiences.

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UNICEF: Assessment of the National Youth Tracer Program

An analysis for UNICEF to evaluate the medium-term impact of the skills training program of previously undertaken quantitative survey entailing data cleaning and processing, tabulation, and syntax and scripts. The exercise was part of the LCO Adolescent & Youth program targeted the poorest Lebanese and non-Lebanese youth and adolescents aged 15 years and above.
Data review was followed by ten focus groups to validate and gain an in-depth understanding of the results of the quantitative survey.

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UNDP: Survey on Municipal Police Perception

Police stations across 40 municipalities to assess the impact of the project and to better understand the needs of host communities and Syrian refugees in pilot and non-pilot municipalities. A perception survey composed of three phases (baseline survey, intermediary survey and end-line survey). Each phase is composed of a sample of 2,900 citizens and Syrian refugees. The study polled Attitude towards overall quality of life, Attitude towards the local government, Better understand issues pertaining to fear of crime, victimization, and security, Attitude towards the Internal Security Forces and the Army, Better understand how participants contact local security (reactive and proactive contact), and Attitudes towards rules of law and cooperation with the Police.
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UNICEF: Winterization Cash Assistance Program Assessment

Assessment of the Winterization Cash Assistance Program provided by UNICEF and the Ministry of Social Affairs (MOSA). The study provided feedback on the relevance, effectiveness, and the quality of service provided by the program. The study covered the Bekaa, North, and Mount Lebanon. Methodology: –Focus Group discussions with beneficiaries, MOSA directors, coordinators, and social workers.Read more

UNICEF: Enrollment in Public Schools

A study for UNICEF to assess the enrolment procedure and quality of education at public schools, highlighting differences in the treatment of Lebanese and Syrian children, as well as differences between the first and second teaching shifts, and timing and effectiveness of the distribution of ‘school-in-a-box’ (SIB) kits, and the usefulness of the distributed items. Methodology: Seven focus groups with Lebanese and Syrian participants residing in various areas in Lebanon. Lebanese or non-Lebanese caregivers of children between three and 17 years of age who are enrolled in public schools.
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UNICEF: Third Party Monitor for School Enrollment

A study for UNICEF to monitor the number of children attending school. Methodology: 951 visits to public schools were carried out.
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UNICEF: Third Party Monitoring: Cross-Border Entry Points

A study for UNICEF to monitor the vaccination process running in four cross border entry points on the Lebanese-Syrian border and the performance of a partner operating under the immunization program in those centers. Methodology: 112 ad hoc visits to monitor the vaccination process and the performance of the partner. In each of the visited centers, field monitors evaluated the number of passengers receiving vaccines, Inventory status (maintenance of vaccines temperature, availability of polio and measles vaccines, availability of red and blue vitamin A, the state of each vaccine vial), daily registration including number of individuals receiving each vaccine and number of pregnant women.
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MIT Enterprise Forum Impact Survey

A study for the MIT Enterprise Forum (MITEF) of the Pan Arab region, a promoter of entrepreneurship and innovation. The forum, in partnership with Abdul Latif Jameel Community Initiatives, organizes on a yearly basis an MIT Enterprise Forum Arab Startup Competition. The Competition brings in a total of 2,000 to 4,000 applications on a yearly basis. The survey measured the impact the Arab Start-Up Competition Quantify a set of key performance indicators related to the competition semi-finalists. The indicators developed assessed the following: Number of ideas turned into startups as a result of the Competition, Number of startups that are still in business to date, Number of Full-Time vs. Part-Time jobs created, Number of clients acquired, Market Size, Average annual revenue, Profile of people on the team, Percentage of females with a leading role, Number of startups that are no longer in business, Benefit from the Competition: trainings, business coaching, media exposure, prize money, networking, connections, MIT brand helped them raise (additional) capital, win other competitions, get incubation, get acceleration, media coverage, etc. Methodology: Interview a pool of semi-finalists and applicants to the MIT EF Arab Startup Competition.
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ANERA: Mapping and Assessing Needs of Existing Rural Hospitality Businesses

A study for American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA) on rural tourism and alternative lodgings. It aimed to expand, solidify and institutionalize the rural hospitality infrastructure and encourage activities of responsible tourism. Methodology: Mapping lodgings countrywide. Face-to-face interviews with 60 lodging owners. Assessed the conditions of the buildings and grounds to see whether they conform to statutory and safety requirements. Mapped the services provided by the guesthouses and the support services available in the direct vicinity of the lodgings. Capacity and occupancy rates as well as booking methods and prices were established. Assessed the marketing tools utilized by the lodgings and the linkages with other local attractions. The information gathered allowed to formulate a gap analysis which helped identify the volume and high level boundaries of work needed on the ground to improve the physical infrastructure, service quality, and ancillary services of the sector.
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