Category: Education

UNICEF: Monitoring of Education and Hygiene Supplies

To support children’s access to education, UNICEF, part of its partnership with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, provided education supplies as well as hygiene and Personal Protective Equipment / Material to schools. To evaluate the processes and the final outcomes of the support provided, UNICEF commissioned InfoPro to conduct a Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) and to gain insights on the quality of the assistance given to the targeted schools and population. Methodology: Key Informant Interviews and Observations at Public Schools, DOPS Centers, and CERD Training Centers / Warehouse.

UNRWA: Mid-term Evaluation

A study for UNRWA to conduct a mid-term evaluation of their WAHET (or Sustainability in Education and Environmental Health for Palestine Refugees in Lebanon) project. The project which is 48 months in duration has two objectives: 1) to ensure Palestine refugees in camps have access to adequate and sustainable water infrastructure and services and 2) to provide access to quality, equitable and inclusive basic education for school-aged children. The OECD-DAC methodology was utilized. Methodology: 36 Key Informant Interviews with stakeholders, 14 Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with beneficiaries in the camps, and field visits to the project’s sites.

Save the Children: Evaluation of Vocational and Entrepreneurship Programs

Save the Children Lebanon (SCL) implemented vocational and entrepreneurship trainings to support the generation of income in some of the most vulnerable localities. Caregivers and 1,074 youth were supported to access the job market. To evaluate the performance of the project, the OECD DAC methodology was utilized. Methodology: KIIs with employers, SCL staff members, and partner staff members and a CATI survey and focus groups discussions with program participants who underwent VT and ET trainings.Read more

World Bank and Ministry of Education: Education Impact Evaluation

Impact Evaluation study for The World Bank in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE). Baseline and an end-line surveys with coaches, teachers, and school principals. A student perception survey and classroom observations were also conducted. The impact evaluation will assess the following: coach content knowledge, teachers’ received dosage on coaching of core practices, perception of coaching session quality, teacher satisfaction, classroom instruction, students’ perception of their teachers and their academic engagement.

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AVSI: Integration of Child Protection in Education

AVSI in collaboration with War Child Holland and Terre des Hommes Italy is undertaking a two-year programme titled “Back to the Future II” (BTF II). The programme seeks to promote the enrolment and the retention of refugee and vulnerable Lebanese children aged between three to 17 years old in formal education. InfoPro was commissioned to assess and provide evidence-based recommendations on the impact of child protection (CP) integration in the education response within the Back to the Future programme. Methodology: Desk Review, nine Key Informant Interviews, six Focus Group Discussions, and 280 surveys with caregivers and children.

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USAID: Qitabi 2 Baseline Assessment

A study for QITABI-2 project implemented by World Learning and financed by USAID. Gathering baseline data by surveying students and teachers in Grades 2, 3, and 6 in public and private schools. The project will enhance the provision of educational services in Lebanon and specifically the skills of children in reading, math, writing, and social and emotional learning (SEL) skills. Methodology: Assess schools and conduct surveys with principals, teachers, and students.Read more

USAID and MSI: School Assessment Tests

Baseline and end line surveys for Management Systems International and USAID to conduct the EGRA Assessment Test among school students and measure the impact of the project on student reading performance. 9,800 students and 920 teachers were assessed.
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World Bank: Teacher Observation Study

A study for the World Bank, part of the R4R program, to identify the obstacles that are delaying educational development and provide decision makers with quantitative data that can assist in changing and developing new policies. The survey was conducted together with staff from the Ministry of Education (DOPS). Identify classroom practices by assessing teacher training and teacher behavior to student perceptions across Grade 4 and 7 classrooms using CLASS, an instrument developed by the World Bank. The exercise was conducted in 120 schools. In total, 888 classroom observations were conducted and 707 teachers were assessed.
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World Bank and MSI: Student Assessment Study

A study commissioned by Management System International and the World Bank, part of the R4R program. The aim of the Student Assessment Study was to understand student learning outcomes and student perception in Lebanese schools over two waves. The scope of work included sampling 145 schools and the assessment of 15,000 students. The data used in the study was gathered from public, private, and subsidized private schools, and classrooms including first and second shifts.
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UNICEF: Third-Party Monitoring – Adolescent and Youth Program

A Third Party Monitoring Program for UNICEF, conducting an assessment of the Adolescent & Youth Program. The UNICEF youth and adolescents section intends to monitor the running programs and the work performance of UNICEF partners in community centers. Methodology: 40 visits to assess the youth programs implemented by the following UNICEF partners. Evaluate the following: Youth Basic Literacy and Numeracy (YBLN), Life skills training, Youth Led Initiative, Awareness Raising Sessions, Agricultural Courses, Non-formal vocational or competency-based skills training, Innovation skills training, Mentorship, Sports for Development training (S4D).
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UNICEF: Assessment of the UNICEF MIN-ILA/ Reaching School Program

A study for UNICEF to hold focus group discussions with Syrian refugees who are receiving assistance from the Reaching School program and the MIN-ILA program. Methodology: Eight focus group. Explored the perception of beneficiaries with regard to programs’ design, monetization, and its impact on the lives of the beneficiaries. The focus groups also delved into recommendations and suggestions for improving the program to better suit refugees needs regarding the transportation of their children to school.
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Schools Mapping and Assessment

Assess for the LORE Foundation the education sector in Lebanon and identify current gaps and opportunities and provide a well-rounded picture of the educational sector and its requirements. Identify dropout levels, profiles, and reasons. Study the number of teachers available across cycles, teacher availability and training. Assess school infrastructure and equipment. Identify and map all NGOs with programs for school dropouts. Methodology: mapping existing reports and identifying a general framework of the education system and the weaknesses or gaps. Interview a large representative sample of public, private, and private for free schools.
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Market Study for the Mahmoud Abbas Loan Program

A market study for the Mahmoud Abbas Foundation (MAF) to develop a student’s loan program for Palestinian refugees residing in Palestinian camps in Lebanon. Methodology: interviews with 250 Palestinian students, three focus groups, interviews with banks and micro-finance organizations. Designed several loan schemes and conducted feasibility studies in order to assist MAF in selecting the best loan program.
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UNICEF: Assessment of the National Youth Tracer Program

An analysis for UNICEF to evaluate the medium-term impact of the skills training program of previously undertaken quantitative survey entailing data cleaning and processing, tabulation, and syntax and scripts. The exercise was part of the LCO Adolescent & Youth program targeted the poorest Lebanese and non-Lebanese youth and adolescents aged 15 years and above.
Data review was followed by ten focus groups to validate and gain an in-depth understanding of the results of the quantitative survey.

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UNICEF: Wellbeing Baseline Survey

A study for e UNICEF Basic Literacy and Numeracy (BLN and ABLN) programs targeting children and adolescents. The main objective is to gain an understanding of the following: The knowledge, attitudes and social norms of caregivers with regards to children’s rights, early marriage, discipline methods and child labor and Understanding how the following impacts children’s wellbeing. Methodology: 1,000 Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews with caregivers of children and youth enrolled in the BLN and ABLN programs.
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UNICEF: Out-of-School Study

A study for UNICEF to uncover reasons of dropping out of Syrian refugee students enrolled in a schools run by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE). Methodology: five focus groups with Syrian refugee women who have children between six and 17 years of age which are out of school. The focus groups were held in various regions in Lebanon.
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UNICEF: Enrollment in Public Schools

A study for UNICEF to assess the enrolment procedure and quality of education at public schools, highlighting differences in the treatment of Lebanese and Syrian children, as well as differences between the first and second teaching shifts, and timing and effectiveness of the distribution of ‘school-in-a-box’ (SIB) kits, and the usefulness of the distributed items. Methodology: Seven focus groups with Lebanese and Syrian participants residing in various areas in Lebanon. Lebanese or non-Lebanese caregivers of children between three and 17 years of age who are enrolled in public schools.
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UNICEF: Third Party Monitor for School Enrollment

A study for UNICEF to monitor the number of children attending school. Methodology: 951 visits to public schools were carried out.
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