CHF Lebanon was implementing a new Caterpillar Foundation funded program called MENA Youth Empowerment Strategy (YES) in Lebanon. The program addressed youth unemployment among 15 to 29 year olds, specifically in urban areas. CHF was planning to expand the program to all of Greater Beirut, in addition to Saida and Mount Lebanon. To help CHF plan for the expansion of its program activities, InfoPro conducted the study. The objective of the survey was to assess the labor market in Lebanon in general and across a select number of sub-sectors. This was carried out by assessing whether there is a mismatch between supply and demand. The survey assessed the supply available and its specifications across various sub-sectors, and compared that to demand, whether in the formal or the informal sector. The study also assessed the challenges that youths are facing in gaining employment and what can be done to better prepare them for the labor market. The role that can be played by technical and vocational training institutes was considered, along with available entrepreneurship opportunities. In order to reach the above objectives a multi-faceted methodology which included desk research, focus groups with youths, a survey with a sample of private sector companies, in-depth interviews with recruitment agencies, technical and vocational institutes, and economic experts was carried out. InfoPro also conducted a SWOT analysis of all sub-sectors under study and proposed a medium to long term course of action to be followed by CHF.