Final Evaluation of Improving Access to Quality Health Care for Persons with Disabilities in Lebanon Program

In 2019, the IMC launched their program “Improving Access to Quality Health Care for Persons with Disabilities in Lebanon”. The aim of the program was to improve access to quality primary health care for Syrian refugees and other vulnerable populations with disabilities. The project targeted 61 communities located in North Lebanon, South Lebanon, Bekaa, Beirut/Mount Lebanon, Akkar. The programme had reached its final stages and the IMC was interested in conducting an endline assessment to identify the extent to which it had met its objectives. IMC was also interested in understanding the perceptions, priorities, and health related barriers faced by Persons with Disabilities (PWD’s). The programme was assessed by utilizing the OECD-DAC framework. A mixed methodological approach was utilized. InfoPro relied on primary and secondary research as part of its evaluation. In total, 40 KIIs / In-depth interviews, 450 surveys, and 10 focus groups with PWDs were conducted to reach the objectives of the evaluation.