USAID and Social Impact: Country Level Gender Analysis

Social Impact funded by USAID commissioned InfoPro to conduct the study. The aim of the study was to assess existing gender gaps, opportunities and needs that the USAID / Lebanon program can address to better achieve its objectives. The study also delved into the different perceptions of women and men that are particularly disadvantaged or have strong unmet needs for empowerment. InfoPro utilized a mixed methodology combining both focus groups and in-depth interviews to reach the objectives of the study. A total of 56 focus groups were conducted with male and female community members aged between 18 and 24 years and between 25 and 45 years residing in the various Lebanese governorates. Seventy-one in-depth interviews were also conducted with representatives from USAID, civil society organizations, municipal members of both genders, ministries and donors. The aim of the in-depth interviews was to provide a better understanding of the different gender related gaps and the most effective improvement opportunities for the project.