InfoPro was commissioned a study by the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) and the World Bank. InfoPro’s mission was to identify and select two value chains in each of the six districts under study: Akkar, Minnieh-Dinnieh, Zgahrta, Baalbekc, Hermel, Zahle. The main objective of the study was to support MoSA in implementing and delivering support to identified beneficiaries in Bekaa and North Lebanon. This was conducted by collecting background research and figures on all sectors. In-depth interviews were also conducted with all key players in order to identify the value chains to be adopted. InfoPro formulated a prioritization matrix which helped in assessing the various sectors with the highest potential using a set of different criteria. The high potential value chains identified were apples, cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, olives/olive oil/grapes, dairy products, construction material, upholstered furniture and eco-tourism. Later, InfoPro provided insights into technical issues relevant to value chains selected by MoSA to support beneficiaries, potential job opportunities associated with each value chain, and existing support programs available in these sectors. In addition, a survey with 763 beneficiaries and 194 farmers was conducted to evaluate their skill level and experience specifically as it relates to the selected value chains to help identify training needs of beneficiaries. Furthermore, an assessment of 14 training institutions in the selected districts were conducted to identify whether existing training programs could support the training needs of beneficiaries.