The client had purchased a soap and detergent factory and was interested in assessing the overall size and trends of various types of soap and detergents in the market in addition to gauging consumers’ general awareness and usage of the various brands of soaps and detergents. To reach the objectives of the study, InfoPro recommended a two phase approach: 1) a consumer behavior survey and 2) a market overview entailing a supply/demand assessment. The consumer behavior survey was conducted with 600 households covering all major coastal cities. The survey was able to examine consumers’ general awareness and usage of different soaps and detergents related attributes and of the different brands available in the Lebanese market. It also assessed respondents’ satisfaction, perception, and purchasing habits of soaps and detergents. The market overview was conducted by interviewing distributors and local manufacturers of soaps and detergents, in addition to the purchase managers of major supermarket chains. These interviews assisted in providing information on the sector’s growth, trends, competitiveness, and demand. A SWOT analysis was also conducted highlighting the necessary changes or improvements to be made as well as the precautions to be taken in the client’s market expansion effort. The various factions of the study helped the client formulate its future brand strategy and identify available market and expansion opportunities for the brand.