The Comitato lnternazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli (CISP) had received a grant from the EU in order to implement a project entitled ‘Improving access to safe drinking water for Lebanese and Syrian refugees communities in Northern Lebanon’. The aim of the grant was to contribute to the improvement of living conditions of Syrian refugees and host communities in North Lebanon through the enhancement of the access to safe drinking water and ensuring the availability of water fulfilling quality standards in El Fouar Municipality. A baseline ‘Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP)’ and ‘Willingness to Pay’ survey was conducted by CISP among a representative sample of the target population to assess their actual interest in the project and their willingness to pay for the water supply system. CISP commissioned InfoPro to perform the analysis of the collected data, produce and present a final report for the baseline survey, and prepare a PowerPoint presentation.